1. This regulation contains the fundamental provisions to be observed in the use of moorings for fixed moorings of pleasure craft in the port of Setúbal: called “Soltróia”, concession to Lusofinança and Boatcenter and operated through Comporta Pier, Lda
2. This regulation applies to all users of the services provided at the aforementioned anchorage.
3. Service users are considered to be all persons who have requested these same services and who have settled the respective payment.
Scope of Application
Validity of parking at the mooring
1. The parking permit at the mooring is valid only for the holder and for the vessel to which it relates.
2. Users are prohibited from using the mooring assigned to them, by vessels other than the one to which it relates, even if such units are their property, without prior authorization from Comporta Pier Lda.
3. Whenever a vessel, registered for the use of a mooring, belongs to more than one person, Comporta Pier Lda. will require that, before it, one of the co-owners assumes sole responsibility for said use, without prejudice to the general rules of law applicable to co-ownership.
Assignment of berths
1) Os serviços administrativos da Comporta Pier, recebem as inscrições para a utilização de postos de amarração no ancoradouro denominado de “Soltróia”, para a época anual do ano em curso, três fases/períodos um para as inscrições para época, depois será seguido do período para inscrições de períodos de Trimestre e Mensais, sendo depois aceites por ordem de chegada final da época:
a) a partir das 10h do dia de 8 de Fevereiro até às 23:59h do dia 15 de Fevereiro do ano corrente, para as inscrições para toda a época Maio a Setembro 2025;
b) a partir das 10h do dia de 16 de Fevereiro até às 23:59h do dia 22 de Fevereiro do ano corrente, para as inscrições com períodos Trimestrais e Mensais (sendo dada prioridade aos períodos de maior duração); será tida em conta que se o pedido for 3 meses mais um mês seguido terá prioridade sobre os restantes e as épocas são tratadas como os restantes pedidos nesta fase;
2) a partir das 10h do dia de 23 de Fevereiro os pedidos serão atendidos com base na ordem de chegada, independentemente da duração período, sendo no mínimo uma semana; tendo em conta a salvaguardada a disponibilidade de boias para a dimensão e tipologia da embarcação em causa.
Os interessados poderão efetuar as suas inscrições por preenchimento de formulário online no site www.comportapier.com, enviando o impresso de inscrição para o email [email protected], assim bem como toda a documentação necessária. Posteriormente todos os remetentes serão informados por esta mesma via, dos respetivos números de inscrição, dos valores correspondente e a pagar pelo período de utilização pretendido, assim bem como serão indicados alguns condicionalismos, caso os haja.
The Management of Comporta Pier and its administrative services will not consider requests from interested parties that do not meet the required requirements (necessary and mandatory documentation), nor those submitted before the date and time set for this purpose.
O respetivo formulário, tarifário e regulamento encontram-se disponíveis, no site da Comporta Pier (www.comportapier.com) e no site do Porto de Setúbal (www.portodesetubal.pt), podendo ser solicitado o envio de toda a documentação por email, junto dos serviços administrativos do Comporta Pier.
3) O critério de atribuição será efetuado por ordem de entrada dos respetivos pedidos, levando ainda em conta os seguintes fatores, para além das diferentes fases dos períodos:
a) o período requisitado, ou seja, terão primazia os pedidos da época e os de maior extensão por ordem decrescente;
b) as características das embarcações / adequação às poitas;
4) Os pedidos são formulados pelos proprietários das embarcações ou pelos seus mandatários, nas condições previstas no ponto 1 deste artigo, mediante o preenchimento do formulário, que será facultado por email ou que poderá ser retirado dos sites acima referidos, instruídos com cópias dos documentos abaixo indicados:
a) livrete com vistoria válida ou certificado de registo (e contrato de “leasing “, se for o caso);
b) apólice de seguro de responsabilidade civil e danos próprios correspondentes recibos comprovativos do pagamento (documentos obrigatórios), nos termos do Regulamento da Náutica de Recreio e demais legislação aplicável;
c) cópia do recibo de água ou luz do domicílio do requerente;
d) cartão do cidadão/bilhete de identidade e número de contribuinte (no caso de pessoa coletiva, cartão e certidão permanente);
5) Os períodos de estacionamento terão de ser no mínimo de uma semana que poderá ser acrescido de dias soltos; outros casos pode m ser vistos por consulta;
6) Para efeitos de correspondência e necessidade legal, considera-se como domicílio a morada indicada no documento a entregar pelo utente previsto na alínea c) do n 3 do presente artigo.
7) A atribuição de lugar só ocorrerá após efetuado o pagamento da taxa de utilização do posto de amarração e a atribuição de boia será feita no dia do Check-In sujeita a haver alterações de localização de boias durante o período de estadia.
False Statements
Without prejudice to other consequences provided for by law, the provision of false declarations by users implies the rejection of the requests made or the cancellation of the authorizations granted.
Types of Parking and Renovation
Tipos de Estacionamento e renovação
1) A permanência de embarcações no ancoradouro é autorizada, a título precário, nos seguintes regimes:
a) Estacionamento à época: correspondente ao período de 01 de Maio até 30 de Setembro do corrente
b) Estacionamento trimestral: correspondente a três meses contínuos.
c) Estacionamento mensal: do dia 1 do mês seguinte ou do dia 15 aodia 15 do mês seguinte.
d) Estacionamento semanal: são 7 dias seguidos.
1) Caso o utente pretenda renovar o período de estacionamento e haja disponibilidade, incluindo eventual obrigatoriedade de mudança de bóia, deverá apresentar o seu pedido a Comporta Pier, até cinco dias antes do termo da autorização concedida sob pena de, a partir desta data, a faturação passar a ser pela tarifa diária, sem prejuízo da aplicação do previsto no art.º 8º deste regulamento.
Usage Fees
1. A cobrança das taxas correspondentes ao período de estacionamento pretendido é efetuada através de transferência bancaria para o Iban: PT50 PT50-0033-0000-45663488947-05, Comporta Pier, enviando o comprovativo para o e-mail ([email protected]), até 8 dias após a confirmação da atribuição e nunca menos de 48h do início do parqueamento.
2. For non-payment of the fees due, the user incurs the application of the provisions of subparagraph f) of no. 2 of article 8 of these Regulations, as well as the immediate loss of authorization for the mooring post, without prejudice to the holding of the prior hearing provided for in the Code of Administrative Procedure.
1. Users of berths are responsible to Comporta Pier and third parties, under the general terms of the law, for the damages caused, and must use them with redoubled attention and take the necessary precautions in order to avoid the occurrence of accidents, taking into account the risks natural resources to which such activity is subject.
2. Comporta Pier is not responsible for losses, damages or accidents suffered by vessels and all those who frequent the berths, unless they are attributable to it under the terms of the legislation in force.
3. Comporta Pier is not responsible for thefts or robberies and acts of vandalism that occur on vessels parked at the berths.
Removal of Vessels
1. Comporta Pier reserves the right to remove any vessel or object parked at the berths when:
a) Parking without authorization;
b) Parking harmful to the normal functioning of the berths;
c) The need for maintenance, conservation and operation of the moorings;
d) The occurrence of bad weather or other circumstances that advise it; without prejudice to the provisions of article 11;
e) Violation of the rules of this regulation;
f) Failure to pay the required fees.
2. The costs of removing vessels for the reasons mentioned in the previous number are the responsibility of the owners.
3. Except in emergency situations or other circumstances that clearly prevent it, the owners of the vessels will be notified in advance by the administrative services of Comporta Pier for this purpose, under penalty of, at the end of the stipulated period, at their expense.
For security purposes and without prejudice to the rights, freedoms and guarantees of citizens, Comporta Pier may adopt, among others, the following measures or measures:
a) With regard to foreign vessels, where applicable, require information on the places of origin and destination of the same, name, nationality, number of people embarked and disembarked, probable date and time of departure;
b) Proceed with the identification of the people who park the vessels at the berths;
c) Promoting with the competent authorities the impediment of departure of vessels in justified cases of non-compliance with the established rules.
Vessel Exchange
1. The authorization of a fixed mooring berth in the event of a vessel being exchanged for another of a higher class of the same holder, will be subject to the availability of vacant berths and, eventually, requests on the waiting list.
2. However, the holder enjoys, under equal circumstances, the right of preference in the authorization of the berth compatible with the characteristics of the new vessel.
3. In the case provided for in the previous number, the difference in the rate corresponding to the time not yet elapsed in the parking period is due.
4. When the vessel is exchanged for another of a lower class, keeping the same mooring post, the rates foreseen for the class of vessel to which the mooring post refers are due.
Obligations of Users
1. Once service users have taken prior notice of this regulation, undertake to use the anchorage in accordance with the following:
a) request, pursuant to art. 3rd, the assignment of a fixed mooring, indicating the period(s) of parking and the intended anchorage(s);
b) moor their vessels in the places indicated by Comporta Pier in safety conditions, namely, well moored, equipped with sized cables and in good condition;
c) be attentive to the weather forecasts posted in the places and especially to the bad weather warnings in order to protect their property;
d) respect the schedules established for the transhipment from land to vessels and vice versa indicated in subparagraph c) of art. 12th;
e) respect the rules of good neighbourliness, urbanity and mutual respect among all owners of anchored vessels;
f) keep the vessels in conditions of perfect buoyancy and in a good state of conservation and cleanliness;
g) provide the vessels with adequate fenders, in good condition and operational and duly placed, in order to effectively protect them against small bumps and knocks resulting from maneuvers of various natures;
h) not to harm the safety of berths or other vessels;
i) not to carry out fires or fireworks of any nature, either inside the vessels or during transshipment,
j) not to carry out repairs on vessels parked in the liquid area, without the prior authorization of Comporta Pier.
l) do not navigate at speeds greater than three knots inside the berths, at the entrance or exit thereof, in order not to cause waves that could harm the safety and well-being of other users;
m) respect the aisles for access and circulation of vessels in the areas designated for this purpose;
n) not to dump oils, debris or any objects in the liquid area or in the terrestrial areas;
o) not to test engines or carry out any work inside the vessels that may cause discomfort to other users;
p) not cause marine pollution,
q) do not bathe or dive in the waters inside the berths;
r) pay in advance the fees provided for in the tariff previously sent via e-mail;
s) keep updated, no. telephone so that they can be easily and quickly contacted at any time to resolve situations that may arise when parking vessels;
t) keep the inspections and insurance of the respective vessels up to date.
2. The owners of vessels using the anchorage authorize that their vessels may be changed from a specific mooring to another located at the same anchorage, even without their prior knowledge, whenever force majeure or safety reasons so require, by officials of the service duly qualified and mandated. Whenever there is a need to move a vessel, its owner will be informed of the occurrence and the reason that caused the need to move his vessel, within a maximum period of 24 hours.
User's Rights
Holders of a fixed berth are entitled:
a) ao estacionamento nas amarrações em situações de bom tempo, o qual e em termos estatísticos se restringe ao período de 01 de maio a 30 de setembro de 2024 incluindo sábados, domingos e feriados;
b) that the mooring where the vessel should be parked is indicated;
Shuttle Service (Transshipment to and from vessels)
c) transfer from land to vessels and vice versa every day, at the following times:
• no mês de Maio, das 9 horas às 19 horas;
in June, from 9 am to 8 pm;
• no mês de Julho, das 9 horas às 20 horas;
• no mês de Agosto, das 9 horas às 20 horas;
• no mês de Setembro, das 9 horas às 19 horas;
which is affixed in a conspicuous place on the anchorage shelters. In case of force, the service will be provided whenever requested.
d) that the embarkation places for the transfer of people to and from the anchored vessels are marked, with the indication “Place of Embarkation”, that is, the aisles for carrying out shuttle services are identified;
e) surveillance services leading to the prevention of incidents and/or accidents;
f) to be informed of weather forecasts, namely bad weather warnings, in order to protect their property, posted in the support facilities, and in addition, of the respective updated meteorological information bulletin provided by the Portuguese Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera, including , for the following days.
g) when carrying out the shuttle service and taking into account compliance with the recommendations and guidelines of the authorities, in the context of the pandemic or other circumstances, the limitation will be made accordingly.
Cancellation of authorizations
1. Comporta Pier may cancel the authorizations granted to users of the anchorage, without the right to any compensation, whenever they violate any legal or regulatory obligations or provisions to which they are subject or referred to in this regulation.
Cancellation Processes
Cancellation processes will be officially initiated by the Management of Comporta Pier.
Suspension of Authorizations
Comporta Pier may also suspend authorizations, without being subject to any compensation, whenever, due to anomalies verified in the exercise of the activity, it deems it appropriate, through prior written communication indicating the reasons for fact and law that determine the suspension.
Suggestions and Complaints
1. Users may submit in writing their suggestions or complaints regarding parking or any other matters of interest for the good functioning of the anchorage.
2. For the purposes of the previous number, we suggest that suggestions, as well as complaints, be made to the email address of Comporta Pier ([email protected]), if they wish to make the complaint in writing, they must make the same in respective complaints book existing in the administrative services of Comporta Pier.
1. In all the omissions in this regulation, it will be subject to the decision of the Management of Comporta Pier.
O presente Regulamento entra em vigor no dia 7 de fevereiro de 2025.
Soltroia, em 22 de janeiro de 2024